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Embracing November's Autumn Change: A Journey Through Art and Expression

As the vibrant hues of October fade into the gentle embrace of November, nature undergoes a beautiful transformation. Trees shed their colorful leaves, leaving branches exposed yet resilient, a symbol of the profound changes that are an inherent part of this season. In the midst of nature's transition, we also honor Veterans Day, a time to reflect on the sacrifices of those who have served in the armed forces. And just like the natural world, we, too, experience changes in our lives. In this blog post, we'll explore November's connection to the changing seasons and how the art serves as a therapeutic bridge for veterans to express their journey.

The Autumn of Memory

For many, November marks a time of reflection and gratitude, leading up to Thanksgiving. However, for many, like myself, who live with a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS), this season brings unique challenges. TBIs can profoundly affect memory and cognitive function, leading to moments of frustration as words slip through the cracks of our minds. They can manifest in various ways, one of which is the unsettling phenomenon known as "Jamais Vu." It's a sensation where the familiar feels foreign, and even the most routine situations and words can become shrouded in confusion.  These memory lapses and conditions can strain relationships with family, friends, and co-workers, making us feel isolated and misunderstood.

Art's healing power emerges from this point of vulnerability. It becomes a conduit for us to express what we feel at times are the inexpressible and convey feelings and thoughts otherwise trapped within. When words elude us, the marriage of visual and emotional elements in art steps in to bridge the gap. It provides a voice to the voiceless.

Lyrics and Visions

In the midst of this struggle, veterans have discovered an unlikely ally in the form of art as therapy. The creative process, whether through painting, writing, or, in my case, photography, allows us to channel our emotions and experiences. When words fail, art speaks. Through my lens, I've found a unique outlet to express the words that sometimes elude me. The combination of lyrics from music that resonates with my soul and the visual interpretation created through my camera lens form a harmonious union. It is a means to convey emotions and experiences that might otherwise remain locked within the confines of memory.

Healing Through Creativity

While creativity is often stifled within the military, where discipline and adherence to protocols are paramount, it is, ironically, the key to healing from the intense experiences faced during combat. Our programs provide veterans with a place to process their emotions, to grieve, to celebrate, and to make sense of the world they've known.

It's more than just creating art; it's a journey of self-discovery, healing. Through art, veterans can externalize their internal battles, transforming them into something beautiful and meaningful. This is where the true power of creativity shines. Art can help us regain what is lost, transcend the boundaries of words, and ultimately, help us find peace amidst the turbulence of life.

"I am often ask, how art has helped me deal with my injuries over the years. Art is both an expression and an escape from all the daily noise and distractions of life. When I walk into my studio, turn on my music and sit in front of my easel; everything else melts away. I am immersed and focused on the painting or sculpture in front of me and nothing else exists." - Jessie U.S. Army Veteran

As we embrace the autumn change in November, we should also take a moment to embrace the changes within ourselves. Veterans, especially those with TBIs and PTSD who don’t appear wounded or injured on the surface, often navigate a unique and challenging path. However, through the lens of art, we can uncover a therapeutic means of expression, offering us a healing journey and a medium through which we can communicate, even when words fail.

In the tapestry of life, art is the thread that binds our experiences, memories, and emotions. It is the canvas upon which we paint our journeys, our stories, and our dreams. In November's embrace, let us remember the beauty of transformation and the healing power of creativity.